Every consulting firm needs a strategy for delegating projects to consultants. As a business offering knowledge-based services, resources must be […]

Skills Taxonomy: How Firms Are Leveraging Skills In A Changing Workforce
A surge in remote work during the pandemic has accelerated an already rapid shift toward digitization. In this changing environment, organizations […]
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How Law Firms are Managing Talent During COVID & Best Practices in Software
The COVID-19 pandemic profoundly changed the way we work and with significant ramifications on how law firms manage talent (human […]
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What is a Flexible Workforce, and Why is it the Future of Work?
The workplace has undergone some major changes over the last few years – and continues to do so. Office layouts […]
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Five Ways to Improve the Employee Experience in 2020
In a recent blog, based on The Conference Board survey results, we saw that the greatest internal matter weighing on […]
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Why your remote workers need better HR tools
In a 2017 report by Gallup, we saw that the percentage of employees who work remotely in some capacity rose […]
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