Is your HR philosophy your best tool for attracting high performers?

Retain high performers

The ideal match. Oh, do we search. Choosing friends, finding a partner, purchasing a car that suits your lifestyle or investing in a home that fits within your budget – there are countless examples. And, it’s no different when it comes to the search for employment. Today’s job-seeking high performer is after far more than just a fancy job title or a large salary, though. They care about your HR philosophy.

We know that these individuals, confident in their capabilities, enjoy being trusted to make their own choices. They’re motivated by having a purpose and the freedom to master their craft. They want to know that they’re able to share their ideas in an environment where they’re heard and valued; where they’re able to grow and develop their skills.

An era of transparency

Companies that put in the effort to understand what high performers are looking for are more likely to attract this type of employee. These companies spend time working on their strategies, defining their vision and mission, putting people at the center of their operations and ensuring that their talent management aligns with their business strategy.

It’s not simply about packaging your company in the right way, though. It’s about being authentic, transparent and true to the image you portray. Prospective employees want to know that they’d be signing up for the real deal. And, with access to sites like Glassdoor, Vault and Comparably, they can. When you’re truly invested in your employees, these platforms can be a great way of showcasing this to the world and attracting the right applicants.

The key factor: Your HR philosophy

So, how do you get it right? What is key when ensuring your company is ticking the boxes that bring in the right candidates? It really boils down to your HR philosophy and processes, which have the potential to set a happy, healthy and appealing company culture. If you think about it, your HR approach could just be most powerful tool to attract and, of course, maintain high performing employees.

Here’s what tends to appeal to high performers:

Tailored career mapping and professional development

High performers are ambitious individuals who normally like to know that there is a strategy or a vision in place that maps out career growth opportunities for them. Going hand in hand with this, they are motivated by a culture of continuous learning that will support their development, whether acquiring formal certifications, participating in LMS courses or being mentored by more senior personnel.

Real-time feedback

The beauty of real-time feedback is that it promotes employee development and retention, and reduces the anxiety often faced during annual reviews. It’s a modern approach to employee feedback and it has a number of benefits that will more than likely appeal to applicants and keep employees happy.

The freedom to get involved with internal gigs

A culture that allows for vulnerability in turn creates space for innovation, as we discussed in a recent blog on intrapreneurship. Not only do internal gig programs appeal to those who are innovators and entrepreneurs at heart, but it also helps your employees feel valued for their contribution.

A culture of diversity and inclusion

Job seekers and employees want to know that their work environment is a safe space; one that fosters collaboration. A culture of diversity and inclusion goes a long way towards attracting new employees and keeping existing employees happy and confident in their roles.

In essence, using your HR philosophy to ensure that your company operates in a way that values its employees can have a meaningful return on investment; it speaks loud volumes about your culture. Why not let your marketing department amplify this by sharing news on your company’s ‘great people initiatives’ or its success stories? After all, the ideal match might be listening!

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