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Welcome to the Aderant family


As part of the Aderant Family of products, vi by Aderant is now known as:

vi by Aderant

What does this mean for you?

Being an Aderant client comes with added benefits and opportunities:

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Zero Failed Enterprise Implementations

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Our Net Promoter Score (NPS) is consistently above 90

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New Products Released

Being part of a larger organization means more resources to serve you and your firm.

With Aderant resources we can:

  • Enhance product development cycle
  • Help you take better advantage of the most up-to-date versions of your software
  • Offer a larger self-serve resource library in addition to a dedicated Support Team
  • Accelerate product innovation for new features
  • Increase cross-platform integrations with other Aderant products such as Expert, BillBlast, and more!


Check out our new look:

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